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Home: Who We Are
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We are people from across the world standing up for humanity and human rights. Our purpose is to protect people wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied. We are voices for those who have none.

Amnesty International is a worldwide grassroots human rights organization which received Nobel Prize Awards in 1977.

Amnesty International San Fernando Valley


Third Monday,  7:00PM- 8:00PM

Home: What We Do

Amnesty International’s uniquely effective approach for protecting human rights uses a three-pronged approach:

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How We Work



Our crisis response teams and researchers travel to affected areas around the world to uncover individual human rights abuses and document patterns of abuse.



Our campaign teams use this research to educate the public about human rights abuses – and they give members and grassroots activists the information and tools they need to demand that human rights be protected.



Our staff and volunteer leaders engage in direct advocacy with policymakers at the state and federal levels in the U.S., while we rally grassroots activists from all 50 states to demand that policymakers protect human rights in the U.S. and around the world.

                   United Nations                         
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 


In perhaps the most resonant and beautiful words of any international agreement, “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”. The commitments made by all States in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are in themselves a mighty achievement, discrediting the tyranny, discrimination and contempt for human beings that have marked human history.                            (click for more)

Home: Quote


June 24, 2024

Global: Amnesty International launches new campaign on abortion rights

Amnesty International is launching a new campaign calling on people the world over to help make public support for abortion rights visible to all. 

Over the past 30 years, huge strides have been taken in the fight for the right to abortion, with laws changing for the better in more than 60 countries. However, there is still much to be achieved, while progress remains under threat. 

From Argentina and Benin to Ireland and France, visionary human rights defenders have secured major advances in the formal recognition of abortion rights. The anti-Taliban women’s protests in Afghanistan, the #MahsaAmini protests in Iran and the #GreenWave protests in Latin America are evidence too of extraordinary activist courage in claiming sexual and reproductive rights.

Today, however, the world is also witnessing mounting efforts to stymie that progress, to undo hard won gains and advance instead policies and laws that will deny millions of their sexual and reproductive rights.  

Amnesty International’s ‘1000 Ways to Support Abortion Rights’ campaign, which launches today across the organization’s social media channels, offers engaging and influential ways for all to get onboard with efforts around the globe to resist rights erosion and protect the right to abortion.

For the next meeting we will meet using Zoom.
Monthly meetings of the San Fernando Valley Group are held on the third Friday of the month at 
7:00 PM.


With the Zoom App open click on Join Meeting.
Input the meeting I.D. and Password when prompted.


Next Meeting:
September 20, 2024 7:00 PM Pacific Time

The September 2024 meeting will be on Zoom!

Meeting ID: 853 5366 6148
Passcode:  597208

Or, just click on the yellow button

… and INVITE your FRIENDS!!! Thanks!!!

ps: If you have any questions (including asking for a copy of the agenda), please contact co-coordinators Nestor Fantini at 818-832-5000 (leave a message) or Kilani Hutchinson 818-621-6714 (text only) 818-894-7589 (leave message)




Our new official name is now

"Amnesty International San Fernando Valley."

Group 92 is still used for administrative purposes.

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Click here to view a recording of Our group's own Nestor Fantini and his family presenting their story.

Heroes Campaign to End Gun Violence


Our focus continues to be on making grassroots calls to all Senators, asking them to support and pass the Break the Cycle of Violence Act. It is critical now for these offices to hear from you, as the budget reconciliation process is underway, and we have a unique opportunity to include the Break the Cycle funding in the budget.


Take Action Now:

  • Phone your two Senators to pass the Break the Cycle of Violence Act.

  • If one or both of your Senators has already sponsored the bill, please thank them and encourage them to recruit other Senators to co-sponsor. (See who has cosponsored here)

  • If you have already called both of your Senators, please recruit five other people to call!

  • To really ramp up the pressure, consider calling monthly…or even weekly.

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Home: Contact

San Fernando Valley

Amnesty International San Fernando Valley

PO Box 4382

Panorama City, CA  91412


Website Amnesty International USA

Website Amnesty International SoCal


(818) 894-7589

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